Why Research Foundry Is The Future Of Data-Driven Collaborative Research

By Wendy Charles, PhD

Research Foundry is a global collective of researchers, companies, and organizations with a focus on health. It’s a pioneering platform that enables BurstIQ coalition members to work with each other and unlock their hidden potential.

Utilizing BurstIQ’s Research Foundry infrastructure, researchers can take advantage of mass-scale collaborations and crowd intelligence to achieve collective problem-solving. As a researcher, here’s how Research Foundry can work for you:

Get introduced to uses of blockchain for research

BurstIQ’s Research Foundry solves the fundamental challenge of using blockchains in the healthcare space. It allows researchers to support vast, complex, and disparate data while crucially maintaining security and privacy for that data.

When conducting research for healthcare purposes, data management was often tedious and complicated. Today, blockchain-based projects allow researchers to share their data with other groups and use data curated by fellow research groups and individuals.

If you’re not familiar with such an exciting and productive way of conducting healthcare-related research, Research Foundry provides the ideal platform to get started. Using Research Foundry, you’ll learn the many ways that the data engine can enhance your data and research capabilities.

Join existing blockchain-based projects

Are you a researcher looking to support the efforts of existing blockchain-based projects? Do you wish to contribute data that you think would be valuable to solving a particular healthcare challenge? If so, you could join an existing Research Foundry project.

Most of the blockchain-based projects on Research Foundry center around the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic. The collaborative efforts of many people and organizations are helping to stop COVID-19 in its tracks.

Presently, a collaborative COVID-19 research data challenge is sponsored by BurstIQ, the American Heart Association, and Hitachi Vantara. Take a look here to learn more about how some people are helping to solve the COVID-19 pandemic.

Test your own research ideas without risk

As a researcher, you will doubtless have many ideas that you would like to test for viability and confirmation. However, it is difficult to advance innovative projects without funds, and the contracting process can be long and cumbersome.

At BurstIQ, we make our Research Foundry platform available to innovators, thinkers, and doers at no cost with a simple click-through-agreement. You now have a place where you can conduct experiments in a “walled garden” environment that is safe and secure.

Research Foundry offers you the chance to test your research ideas without compromising the security or functionality of any operational systems. You can create private “data zones” that you and your team can use, enabling you to understand your data.

Access data sets for integration and analysis

BurstIQ coalition members can request access to data sets to develop deeper insights. You can share or receive data for analysis on the blockchain without losing control of your data or ideas. Research Foundry provides you with a range of data access and ownership tools. You’ll have complete control over any data you share with others. The Research Foundry research data sets are multi-dimensional, offering limitless opportunities.

It’s possible to use a single data point or vast petabytes of multi-dimensional data for your blockchain integration and analysis. BurstIQ offers a plethora of tools that you and your team can use, such as dynamic schemas, data mapping, app modules, and more.

Be a volunteer mentor for aspiring researchers

Lastly, if you’re an established healthcare researcher, Research Foundry offers you the perfect opportunity to mentor tomorrow’s future researchers. Research Foundry provides the platform to serve as an ad-hoc volunteer mentor for aspiring researchers and projects.

One of the reasons you became a researcher is undoubtedly to understand information and help share it with others for the greater good. With Research Foundry, you can collaborate on new or existing blockchain projects for academic presentations and publications and help inspire tomorrow’s future generation of researchers.