6 Ways to Grow Your Business By Focusing on Personal Health

Top entrepreneurs around the world swear by their exercise routines, and this should come as no surprise. Data indicate that physical activity offers numerous benefits, including better mental well-being, improved overall health and lower stress.

One study, for instance, found that worker productivity was an astonishing 72 percent higher on days when participants exercised compared to those on which they didn’t. Another study found that implementing a “sit less, move more” policy reduced days lost due to lack of performance and improved interpersonal relationships.

I recently spoke with Brian Jackson, whose company BurstIQ is helping usher in the next era of health. I asked him how he uses exercise to combat the stress of being a co-founder and entrepreneur. His advice? “Get on a daily routine and stick to it. Join a gym and encourage your family to get into a routine as well. Not only does exercise make you healthier, it makes you happier and mentally balanced. My wife and I joined a gym 10 years ago and made ourselves keep to a daily routine. Now, 10 years later, we are so much healthier and happier.”

About BurstIQ

BurstIQ is the leading provider of blockchain-enabled data solutions for the identity, healthcare and life sciences industries. The company’s secure data exchange network combines blockchain, multi-layered governance and best-in-class security to build multi-dimensional profiles, called LifeGraphs®, of people, places and things, and empower the connections between them. LifeGraph® Network allows organizations to manage the ownership and sharing of sensitive data, with consent, governance and process automation built in. The result is a global, secure data network that allows health systems, payers, digital health companies, pharma & life science companies and governments to collaborate, share, discover and build the impossible.

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