How the Global Development Community will Shape the Future of Blockchain in Health Care

#1. Why is blockchain technology so crucial to health care data?

Nobody says it better than Frank Ricotta, BurstIQ CEO: “Blockchains are networks. These networks facilitate connections, and it is the connections that in turn, create new markets. In the case of healthcare, they also create communities. At BurstIQ, we are seeing a growing global community of developers and health innovators collaborating to solve problems in creative in a blockchain centric way. This community of crowd innovators are now being recognized by large health-focused companies, including hospital systems, bio tech, pharma, and big tech. We are being approached by their innovation teams, asking how they can tap into crowd innovators and unleash it to solve some of their big daunting problems.”

Read the full article on Blockmanity:

About BurstIQ

BurstIQ is the leading provider of blockchain-enabled data solutions for the identity, healthcare and life sciences industries. The company’s secure data exchange network combines blockchain, multi-layered governance and best-in-class security to build multi-dimensional profiles, called LifeGraphs®, of people, places and things, and empower the connections between them. LifeGraph® Network allows organizations to manage the ownership and sharing of sensitive data, with consent, governance and process automation built in. The result is a global, secure data network that allows health systems, payers, digital health companies, pharma & life science companies and governments to collaborate, share, discover and build the impossible.

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