Blockchain Technology Is Already Improving Lives At 22 Hospitals

According to Frank Ricotta, CEO of BurstIQ, the future of healthcare will be driven by data, and blockchain technology is the enabling foundational technology. He explains, “Blockchain is a trust overlay over the Internet that allows parties to transfer representations of value, like health data, safely and securely.” BurstIQ’s HIPAA compliant blockchain-based platform provides an efficient way for health care organizations to manage, store and analyze big data.

Read the full article on Forbes. 

About BurstIQ

BurstIQ™ is an industry-leading blockchain enablement company, offering enterprise-level blockchain solutions for the health and healthcare industry. The company offers a HIPAA- and GDPR- compliant platform that seamlessly leverages blockchain, advanced security, Big Data capabilities and machine intelligence to enable a global health data network through which healthcare businesses and individuals can access, control, monetize and gain insights from their health data. The company provides platform-as-a-service (PaaS) solutions to healthcare institutions, insurers life sciences/pharma companies and government agencies at the state, national and international level.

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Matthew Bird
CEO @1800pr
O: 646.401.4499
E: [email protected]

BurstIQ Business Inquiries:

Amber Hartley
Chief Corporate Development Officer
E: [email protected]