Create Hyper-Personalized &
Trustworthy Digital Experiences

Forge trusted, long-lasting relationships with customers, patients, and employees through data-driven digital experiences. The LifeGraph Platform powers your digital engagement solutions with data you can trust, in a way the people you engage with can trust.


Create Hyper-Personalized
& Trustworthy Digital Experiences

Forge trusted, long-lasting relationships with customers, patients, and employees through data-driven digital experiences. The LifeGraph Platform powers your digital engagement solutions with data you can trust. in a way the people you engage with can trust.


Create Hyper-Personalized
& Trustworthy Digital

Forge trusted, long-lasting relationships with customers, patients, and employees through data-driven digital experiences. The LifeGraph Platform powers your digital engagement solutions with data you can trust. in a way the people you engage with can trust.

Experiences That

Demonstrate Human Understanding

Digital experiences powered by LifeGraph are deeply rooted in trust. LifeGraph connects all the data people generate – or their digital DNA. Data is organized how humans and machines think to identify how that data relates to other people, places, or things.

In order to build engaging experiences for your customers it’s imperative to analyze and pull rich insights from their data. LifeGraph reveals what makes humans tick so you can build experiences that truly engage and demonstrate you value the insights their data provides.

Experiences That

Ensure Privacy

As the world shifts to first-party data collection, your organization has to ensure that trust and transparency are central in all your professional interactions. LifeGraph experiences are powered by BurstIQ blockchain services to infuse trust every step of the way.

Experiences That

Promote Data Dignity

LifeGraph empowers individuals by granting them ownership of their data. This approach enables your organization to clearly demonstrate respect for the data shared with you and assures users that you will deliver value in return for their trust.

Experiences That Demonstrate Human Understanding

Digital experiences powered by LifeGraph are deeply rooted in trust. LifeGraph connects all the data people generate – or their digital DNA. Data is organized how humans and machines think to identify how that data relates to other people, places, or things.

In order to build engaging experiences for your customers it’s imperative to analyze and pull rich insights from their data. LifeGraph reveals what makes humans tick so you can build experiences that truly engage and demonstrate you value the insights their data provides.

Experiences That Ensure Privacy

As the world shifts to first-party data collection, your organization has to ensure that trust and transparency are central in all your professional interactions. LifeGraph experiences are powered by BurstIQ blockchain services to infuse trust every step of the way.

Experiences That Promote Data Dignity

LifeGraph empowers individuals by granting them ownership of their data. This approach enables your organization to clearly demonstrate respect for the data shared with you and assures users that you will deliver value in return for their trust.

Experiences That Demonstrate Human Understanding

Digital experiences powered by LifeGraph are deeply rooted in trust. LifeGraph connects all the data people generate – or their digital DNA. Data is organized how humans and machines think to identify how that data relates to other people, places, or things.

In order to build engaging experiences for your customers it’s imperative to analyze and pull rich insights from their data. LifeGraph reveals what makes humans tick so you can build experiences that truly engage and demonstrate you value the insights their data provides.

Experiences That Ensure Privacy

As the world shifts to first-party data collection, your organization has to ensure that trust and transparency are central in all your professional interactions. LifeGraph experiences are powered by BurstIQ blockchain services to infuse trust every step of the way.

Experiences That Promote Data Dignity

LifeGraph empowers individuals by granting them ownership of their data. This approach enables your organization to clearly demonstrate respect for the data shared with you and assures users that you will deliver value in return for their trust.

What Type Of Experiences Can You Build With LifeGraph?

Patient Experiences

Increased patient engagement leads to better health outcomes. With LifeGraph, you can design experiences that help you get a more complete picture of your patients and deliver services tailored to each of their individual’s unique needs.

Employee Experiences

Your workforce is the main driving force behind the success of your organization. LifeGraph can make digital employee engagement more personal so your employees feel more valued and supported in their career goals.

  • Leverage AI to identify and mitigate risk across your patient population

  • Connect systems to treat the whole person and deliver more personalized care

  • Encourage and incentivize engagement and adherence

  • Streamline onboarding and credential verification

  • Create a sense of community and a culture of trust

  • Deliver tailored learning pathways

What Type Of Experiences Can You Build With LifeGraph?

Patient Experiences

Increased patient engagement leads to better health outcomes. With LifeGraph, you can design experiences that help you get a more complete picture of your patients and deliver services tailored to each of their individual’s unique needs.

Employee Experiences

Your workforce is the main driving force behind the success of your organization. LifeGraph can make digital employee engagement more personal so your employees feel more valued and supported in their career goals.

  • Leverage AI to identify and mitigate risk across your patient population

  • Connect systems to treat the whole person and deliver more personalized care

  • Encourage and incentivize engagement and adherence

  • Streamline onboarding and credential verification

  • Create a sense of community and a culture of trust

  • Deliver tailored learning pathways

What Type Of Experiences Can You Build With LifeGraph?

Patient Experiences

Increased patient engagement leads to better health outcomes. With LifeGraph, you can design experiences that help you get a more complete picture of your patients and deliver services tailored to each of their individual’s unique needs.

  • Leverage AI to identify and mitigate risk across your patient population

  • Connect systems to treat the whole person and deliver more personalized care

  • Encourage and incentivize engagement and adherence

Employee Experiences

Your workforce is the main driving force behind the success of your organization. LifeGraph can make digital employee engagement more personal so your employees feel more valued and supported in their career goals.

  • Streamline onboarding and credential verification
  • Deliver tailored learning pathways
  • Create a sense of community and a culture of trust