Defining Your Digital Identity – Why Is It Important?

Earlier this week, I caught up with health tech expert and BurstIQ CEO, Frank Ricotta on email. I asked him to share his opinion on how digital identity is evolving in 2020, “COVID-19 has accelerated the need for businesses and governments to remotely authenticate individuals, validate transactions, and safely transfer health information unleashing a worldwide demand for digital identity solutions. The challenge in doing so arises around determining who controls an individual’s identity and how secure is the information around it. To solve this problem, forward-thinking jurisdictions are deploying blockchain-based distributed identity and data exchange solutions that balance individual privacy rights to manage their information and institutional needs to verify it.”

Read the full article on Time Business News

About BurstIQ

BurstIQ is the leading provider of blockchain-enabled data solutions for the identity, healthcare and life sciences industries. The company’s secure data exchange network combines blockchain, multi-layered governance and best-in-class security to build multi-dimensional profiles, called LifeGraphs®, of people, places and things, and empower the connections between them. LifeGraph® Network allows organizations to manage the ownership and sharing of sensitive data, with consent, governance and process automation built in. The result is a global, secure data network that allows health systems, payers, digital health companies, pharma & life science companies and governments to collaborate, share, discover and build the impossible.

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